Dr. Chris has been busy learning!
I've been busy busy busy since last fall! I am studying to become an instructor for Marquette Model of Natural Family Planning. I was looking for a way to help my home parish, and as a D.C. I am qualified to train to be an NFP instructor through the Marquette University College of Nursing. Natural Family Planning is a way couples can learn how to monitor signs of fertility so they can choose when to achieve or avoid pregnancy. The method I will be teaching uses hormone testing at home, as well as monitoring of physical signs of fertility. It has been quite an educational experience so far. I am through over half of my training now, and just have a few things to do before I am officially an intern. I will soon be able to teach couples and earn my way to being a full-fledged instructor. I'm really excited about this, because there are so many people who could benefit from NFP in their lives. I don't have a lot of time today to go into detail, but will keep you all posted about how to get into a class once I have the go-ahead to teach and get some dates picked out. Have a happy summer!!!